The terms and expressions referred to below mean, when preceded by a capital letter, for the purposes of the interpretation and execution hereof:

“Site” – the platform and mobile application www.kornette.com which are owned by AKIUS SAS.

“Company” – the company AKIUS SAS, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 138.38 euros, registered with the RCS of Aix-en-Provence under the unique identification number 884 160 458, whose head office is located at 360 Campagne Plan Lorgue 13100 Saint Marc Jaumegarde, and whose commercial name (brand) is “Kornette”.

“Kornette Venture Hub Program” provides a unique ecosystem where startups can access tailored resources, industry experts, and fundraising opportunities to accelerate their growth and achieve their ambitions.

“Member” – This is any natural or legal person registered on the Site to make a financing promise (Investor) or promote a Project (Project Owner).

“Project Leader” - This is the legal entity, in the form of a commercial company, the natural person or the association which offers, via the Company's Site, to receive one or more investment promises within the framework of of the project. By Project Leader we mean both the commercial company, association or natural person which presents the Project to Investors, whether they are Contributors or Investors, as well as the company in whose capital the Investors will, if they personally decide, be led to subscribe.

“Investor” - This is any natural or legal person participating on the Site in one or more Investment Promises with the Project Leader. All Investors must make their Subscription not on the Site but in direct contact with the Project Leader. They will, however, be considered and counted as Investors who participated in the project via the Company's Site.

“Party” – the Member or Company.

“Account” – an account created by Members when registering on the Site in order to use the Site.

“Ceiling amount” – This is the maximum total amount that the Project Owner wishes to obtain as part of the Investment Operation that it presents on the Site.

“Collection” – This is the term for an Investment Transaction.

“Investment Operation” - This is the fundraising operation offered online on the Site by the Project Leader, defined by the desired fundraising, the unit amount of sale of its shares, shares , bond securities and the number of shares, shares or bond securities offered. This Investment Operation is understood as any type of legal operation allowing the contribution to the Project Holder of funds subscribed within the framework of the Collection and in particular but not exclusively during the creation of the Project Holder's company or during an increase in its capital. The duration of the Investment Operation extends from the signature of this referencing contract until the date of registration at the Registry of the Commercial Court of the formalities relating to this fundraising and for a period of six (6 ) months after this date. The terms of the Investment Operation for Project Holders are the subject of a referencing contract signed by the Project Holder and which takes precedence over these general conditions. Please note, the Company only connects Investors and Project Leaders. The promise of funding is the trigger. The company does not provide investment advice to any party and does not collect any funds whatsoever.

“Project Page” – the page on which the Project Owner publishes his project for which he wishes to obtain Funding Promises.

“Project” – This is the activity that the Project Leader wishes to develop and for which it offers the Financing Operation on the Site.

Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa.

Any reference to one gender includes the other gender.

‍2. Site activity

The Site's activity is to:

  • serve as an intermediary between Project Leaders and Investors, to allow Project Leaders to find financing for their projects and Investors to finance the projects of their choice.

Members undertake to use the Site only for the purposes provided for in the General Conditions of Use. In particular, they are prohibited from using the Site for commercial or advertising purposes and from providing any other person with access to their Account on the Site, whether for a fee or free of charge.

  1. Site ownership

The Company is the exclusive owner of the Site and its content as well as the exclusive holder of all intellectual property rights relating to the Site and its content, in particular to files, databases, software and their updates.

Members and people who visit the Site only have a right to use the Site, non-exclusive and non-transferable, under the conditions provided for herein. Consequently, they undertake not to reproduce and publish the content of the Site, for use other than private, without prior written authorization from the Company.

  1. Use of the site

4.1 Site visit:

  • The Site can be visited by anyone, with registration required. However, project leaders cannot publish projects directly. They must go through a form and have the quality of the project validated by the dedicated team. Any person visiting the Site is required to respect these General Conditions of Use, the laws and regulations in force as well as the rights of third parties, in particular intellectual property rights. The Company reserves the right to suspend or prohibit access to the Site to people who do not comply with these obligations.

4.2 Registration

To be able to contribute to a project, Investors must carry out a free registration which consists of creating an Account on the Site. Registration is open to both natural and legal persons as well as associations without legal personality, whether their aim is for profit or not. As regards associations without legal personality, their registration on the Site must be carried out by one of its members who is a natural person. To create an Account, simply complete the registration form found on the Site. In the online form, the Project Leader who is a natural person provides information relating to his or her last name, first name, date and place of birth, nationality, address and profession and if the Project Leader is a legal entity, information relating to its corporate form, name, head office address, registration number and the body which represents it.

Investors do not have the possibility of making their investment promises anonymously and are required to provide the Company and the Project Leader they are financing with their name, first name, date and place of birth as well as their email address for reasons of combating money laundering and financing of terrorism. The information mentioned in this article is intended for the Company to prevent possible fraud when using the Site. They remain strictly confidential and are communicated to the Company and, only if necessary for the smooth running and completion of a project, may be communicated to Investors and Project Leaders. Furthermore, the Company reserves the right to provide access to the information thus collected in the event of validation by the Investor or strict technical necessity, particularly in the event of maintenance of the Site, in order to ensure the incident-free operation of the Site.

In certain justified situations, the Company may also transmit this information to “authorized third parties” entitled to receive it in a timely and justified manner (in particular the police services, the tax administration, the Financial Markets Authority or the Financial Markets Authority). Prudential Control Authority). When registering, the Member undertakes to complete the registration form by providing accurate information on the date of registration and to inform the Company of any change in this information occurring after registration. The Company reserves the right to delete the Member's Account in the event of violation of these obligations. By registering on the Site, the Member declares to have read these General Conditions of Use. The creation of an Account therefore constitutes acceptance of the latter without restriction or reservation.

After creating an Account, the Member chooses a login and a password allowing them to connect to their Account on the Site. These identifiers are strictly personal and confidential and the Member undertakes not to communicate them to third parties. The Member is solely responsible for the use of his identifiers by third parties and the operations carried out with the use of his identifiers. The equipment allowing access to the Site and Internet connection costs are the responsibility of Members.

4.3 Responsibility of members

  1. a) Contents

When publishing content on the Site, the Member complies with all legal, regulatory, administrative provisions and applicable conventions. In particular, the Member guarantees that he is the owner of the rights to the content he publishes on the Site. Consequently, the Member is solely responsible in the event of violation of these obligations and guarantees the Company against any recourse against the latter, emanating from a Member or a third party following non-compliance with this obligation.

  1. b) Fraudulent use of identifiers

If the Member distributes or uses the identifiers contrary to their purpose defined herein, he remains solely responsible for the operations carried out.

made by another person using these identifiers.

The Member guarantees the Company against all demands and recourse against the Company which may result therefrom.

  1. c) Other cases of liability

It is specified that Investors, and in particular Project Leaders, may be held liable in situations other than those specified in points a) and b), and in particular in the cases provided for by these General Conditions. 'Usage.‍4

4.4 Presentation and publication of projects

The Project Leader presents to the Company the detailed project for which he wishes to obtain financing. The detailed description of the project must contain the following points:

  • The name of the Project Leader, the name of the Company, its address and its SIRET number
  • Information on the history and activities of the Project Leader
  • The objective of fundraising and the use of funds.

The Company selects the projects to publish on the Site taking into account the criteria listed below:

  • The reputation and values of the Project Leader
  • The interest of the project for the life of the Project Leader, for his clients or for his territory
  • The Project/Project Leader adequacy with the principle and values of participatory financing
  • Only in the context of an Investment Operation, the financial viability of the project and its financial interest for an Investor.

The Company reserves the right to accept or refuse the publication of projects on the site www.kornette.com by simple notification to the project leader, and without obligation to justify its decision.

Project validation is done in two stages: After submission of the initial project, the file is studied by the Company and a first opinion (favorable or unfavorable) is given to the Project Leader within two (2) working days from receipt by the Company of the project concerned.

If the opinion is favorable, an employee of the Company contacts the Project Leader by email or telephone to help them finalize the presentation and details of their project in order to maximize their chances of succeeding in their fundraising campaign.

If the opinion is unfavorable, the Company sends the Project Owner a notice of refusal, in which it may, without being required to do so, recommend modifications to be made so that the project is eligible for publication on the Site. The Company informs the Project Holder of its final decision to accept or reject the project within five (5) working days from receipt by the Company of the final project presented by the Project Holder.

If the project receives a favorable opinion from the Company, the Company agrees to publish it on the Site. If a project is refused publication on the Site, the Company sends the Project Owner a notice of refusal, in which it may recommend modifications to be made so that the project is eligible for publication on the Site. . The Project Leader may submit the same project for acceptance by the Company for the second time, provided that they make the necessary modifications for its improvement and recommended by the Company in the refusal notice.

  • *From the publication of the project, the Operation Deadline opens. During this period the object of the project can no longer be modified by the Project Leader, but improvements are still possible provided that they are accepted by the Company. Any modification of the project entails the right for Investors to withdraw the Investment Promises already made. Publication of updates to project details after initial publication is subject to approval by the Company.

The Project Owner may stop the appearance of the project on the Site at any time. All modifications are subject to acceptance by the Company. The Project Leader is solely responsible for verifying that he holds all the rights necessary for the presentation of the project, its publication on the Site and its completion. As such, the Project Leader guarantees to be the legitimate holder of all intellectual property rights necessary for the publication and completion of the project.

The Project Leader ensures that (i) any project presented and published on the Site is in compliance with the legislative and regulatory provisions in force and that (ii) the project does not mislead Members and third parties . The Project Leaders recognize that the fact of providing inaccurate, false and misleading information may have the consequence of incurring their liability and they guarantee the Company against any claim for liability emanating from any person and linked to a publication of the project on the Site. The published projects can be consulted on the Site, in the section The s Projects as well as on the Site’s home page for the projects highlighted. Members can also opt to obtain information on new projects published on the Site by an electronic message sent by the Company. A Project Owner can only publish one project at a time. A project is considered to be published for the entire duration of the Operation concerning it.

4.5 Project financing‍.

Investment Promises

  1. a) Characteristics of the Investment Promises.

The Investment Promises presented on the Site are proposals for participation in fundraising from Project Leaders whose Projects have been previously selected by the Company. The Investment Operations viewable by Members on the Site include:

  • Presentation of the directors, capital, and activities of the Company.
  • Presentation of the Project (Pitch deck).
  • The desired fundraising.
  • The pre-money valuation of the company.
  • The minimum ticket accepted.

The Investment Promises are open throughout the duration of the Operation. Only Members of the Site can make an Investment Promise. The Investment Promise is a proposal for participation in the Fundraising of the Project Leader. The activity of the Site is limited to connecting Investors and Project Leaders on the basis of the preferences and situation of each as detailed in their respective profile. It is reminded at each stage of the Investment Promise process that the investment carries risks of total or partial loss of the capital invested as well as a risk of illiquidity.

However, the Company is not responsible in the event of non-achievement of the objectives presented by the Project Leader, the Company having no power to intervene in the life of the Project before, during or after its fundraising. If the fundraising were not to take place after contact between Investors and Project Leader, this would not entitle the Investor or the Project Leader to any payment of any sum for damages.

To make a Financing Promise, the Investor must become a Member, complete an investor questionnaire then click on the “I invest” button. The creation of a personal account and response to the investor questionnaire is a condition for subscribing. Before clicking on the “I invest” button, the Investor has the possibility to cancel his last action and return to previous pages. Confirmation of the Financing Promise entails acceptance of the T&Cs. An email acknowledging receipt of the Promise of Funding is sent by the Publisher as soon as possible. The Company reserves the right to refuse any Promise of Financing for legitimate reasons.

The archiving of communications is carried out on a reliable and durable medium so as to constitute a faithful and durable copy in accordance with article 1348 of the Civil Code. These communications can be produced as proof, and at the Investor's first request, by sending an email to businessangel@kornette.com.

Fees on Investment Operations (Project)

The monthly subscription of one hundred and fifty euros (150) is without obligation and supported only by the Project Leaders. No commission of any kind is due, neither by the Project Leaders nor by the Investors.


The Project Leader undertakes to take all necessary steps to carry out the project that he has published on the Site, in accordance with what was planned in the presentation of the project. The beneficiary Project Leader may cancel their monthly subscription at any time, whatever their motivation. The Project Leader acknowledges and accepts being solely responsible for the sequence of events following the appearance of his Project on the Company's Site, which declines all responsibility in this respect. The Project Leader is also solely responsible for the completion, development and possible cancellation of the project.

The Company can only be contacted to help potential Investors establish the identity of the Project Owner concerned in order to enable them to incur liability in cases relating to non-execution or poor execution hereof. Consequently, the Project Holder undertakes to guarantee the Company against any request, emanating from a Member or a third party, and linked to the non-execution by the Project Holder of its obligations resulting from the General Conditions of Use .


The Project Leaders are the owners of their projects published on the Site and remain holders of all intellectual property rights concerning these projects. However, and only to achieve the object provided herein, the Company reserves the right to publish, exploit, reproduce, adapt, arrange the project and the information concerning it, which the Project Leaders accept without reservation. Information relating to the project may be published on the Site, even after the project has been completed, for purposes of promoting the Site and for information purposes.


In the event of non-compliance with the General Conditions of Use by a Member, the Site has the right to suspend the Account of the Member concerned and to send him a written notice by any means, so that he complies with the present. If the formal notice remains unsuccessful, the Site reserves the right to delete its Account upon reasonable notice.

In particular, the Account may be deleted in the event of:

  • Communication by the Member of his identifiers to third parties
  • Use of the Site for purposes other than those specified in the General Conditions of Use
  • Providing inaccurate personal data during registration
  • Publication of false or misleading information
  • Presentation of projects in violation of the legislative and regulatory provisions in force, in particular affecting a person or the private life of a person and those whose implementation would constitute an offense
  • Publication of prohibited content

To delete their Account, the Member makes a written request to the Company, at the address 360 Campagne Plan Lorgue 13100 Saint Marc Jaumegarde or at the email address: contact@kornette.com or by completing the form provided at the bottom of this page. On this basis, the Account is deleted without delay.

If the Account is deleted, the Member concerned can no longer use the Site. Thus, projects published by him are deleted and he can no longer support the projects or access his history of Investment Promises made on the Site.

  1. Personal data

5.1 Collection

  • *During registration, the Site collects information concerning Members and relating to their last name, first name, date and place of birth, nationality, address and profession. The Company may request additional information from Members that is necessary to achieve the purpose set forth herein. The Company also collects information regarding the IP address of Members and visitors used to connect to the Site.

This data is kept for the following period:

  • During the entire registration period for Members
  • For the duration of the visit to the Site for visitors. The Site has made the declaration to the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties, currently being registered. The purpose of collecting personal data is for the Company to know the identity of Members in order to prevent possible fraud when using the Site. Personal data is communicated to the Company and, only if necessary for the smooth running and completion of a project, may be communicated to Investors and Project Leaders. Furthermore, the Company reserves the right to provide access to personal data in the event of strict technical necessity, particularly in the event of maintenance of the Site, in order to ensure the incident-free operation of the Site. Only authorized persons can access the personal data collected by the Company: thus, the data can only be transmitted to the recipients explicitly designated herein and to “authorized third parties” having the right to receive them in a timely and motivated manner (in particular police services and tax administration).

As data controller of personal data, the Company adopts physical and logical security measures adapted to the nature of the personal data collected and the risks presented by the processing. The personal data of Members is protected by the identifiers (a login and a password), chosen by the Member when creating an Account on the Site. Thus, the Member is the only one authorized to have access to the personal data concerning him and they cannot be visible to other Members and third parties. These identifiers are strictly personal and confidential and the Member undertakes not to communicate them to third parties. The Member is solely responsible for the use of his identifiers by third parties and the operations carried out with the use of his identifiers. The personal data collected is not transmitted to countries outside the European Union.

5.2 Cookies

When browsing the Site, cookies may be placed on the hard drive of the computer used during connection. The purpose of these cookies is to measure the audience of the Site and thus allow re up to the Company to know attendance statistics and to better manage them, by detecting navigation problems, evaluating its ergonomics and highlighting content particularly requested by Members and visitors. Members have the right of access and opposition as mentioned in article 5.3. that they can use at any time.

What is a cookie ? When consulting our site, information relating to your computer's navigation on our site may be recorded by programs, in particular in so-called "cookies" files installed on your computer, subject, of course, to choices that you have expressed and that you can modify at any time.

Disable cookies

Your browser allows you to choose whether or not to accept the saving of cookies on your computer. You can choose to deactivate this feature at any time in your browser settings.


Google Analytics

The Company and the Site use Google Analytics, a traffic analysis service generated by Google Inc. To function, Google Analytics uses cookies which make it possible to establish statistics and traffic volumes (counting the number of Internet users present on the site) and use of the different elements making up our site (routes, sections and content visited). These cookies are essential to the proper functioning of the Site: they allow us to improve the relevance and ergonomics of the Site but also to detect navigation problems more quickly. The data generated by cookies regarding your use of the site (including IP address) will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers located in the United States. Google may communicate this data to third parties in the event of a legal obligation or when these third parties process this data on behalf of Google, including in particular the publisher of this site. Google will not combine your IP address with any other data held by Google.

5.3 Access and modification

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information that concerns you, which you can exercise by contacting the Company, at address 360 Campagne Plan Lorgue 13100 Saint Marc Jaumegarde or at the email address: contact@kornette.com. You can also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you. On this basis, the request is processed by the Company as quickly as possible.‍‍‍

  1. Terms of Service

6.1 Validity and modification

The General Conditions of Use of the Site come into force from their publication on the Site and apply (i) to each Member for the entire duration of their registration on the Site and (ii) to any other person during the duration of their navigation on the Site.

The Company has the right to modify the General Conditions of Use, unilaterally, without notice and at any time, by publishing a new version of the General Conditions of Use on the Site. Members will be informed by any means of the new version and the fact of Members continuing to use the Site after being informed of a modification of the General Conditions of Use constitutes tacit and unreserved acceptance of the latter.

6.2 Nullity of a stipulation

If one of the stipulations of these General Conditions of Use proves to be void, it will then be deemed unwritten, without however resulting in the nullity of the General Conditions of Use or altering the validity of its other stipulations.

6.3 Completeness

Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, the General Conditions of Use contain complete rules applicable to the use of the Site and to relations between Members and the Company. Registration on the Site implies their full acceptance and commitment to respect them. The Parties acknowledge that these General Conditions of Use constitute the entire agreement concluded between them and supersede any prior offer, provision or agreement, written or oral.

6.4 Transfer

The**s Members are informed and accept that these General Conditions of Use as well as the rights and obligations resulting therefrom may be assigned at any time and to any person by the Company.‍

  1. Availability and content of the site

The Site is in principle available without interruption, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Company's obligation to guarantee access to the Site is a simple obligation of means.

Thus, the Company cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss, whatever it may be. the nature that the unavailability of the Site may cause to a Member or any other person, whatever the cause of this unavailability, and in particular if it arises from a case of force majeure, as recognized by the courts, or if it results from events beyond its control.

In addition, the Company reserves the right to delete or modify the Site, unilaterally and without notice, and declines all liability in this regard.

  1. Responsibility of the site

8.1 The Company is not responsible in the event of any dispute which may arise between Members of the Site, whatever the cause, including when the dispute is in relation to the use of the Site.

The Company collects personal data concerning the Members of the Site to know the identity of all Members and to prevent possible fraud when using the Site. Therefore, in the event of a dispute between Members, the Company can only be contacted to help establish the identity of the person against whom you wish to act.

8.2 Project Leaders fully bear all risks linked to the completion and cancellation of a Project and the Company declines its liability in this respect.

In particular, Project Leaders are solely responsible for providing Investors with any promised compensation, without the Company being held responsible in the event of poor execution of this obligation.

Consequently, the Project Leaders agree to bear all damages linked to the completion and cancellation of a project for which the Company could be condemned.

8.3 The Company may delete or modify the Site, unilaterally and without notice.

The Company cannot be held responsible for the resulting consequences, in particular loss of data.

8.4 Members are entirely responsible for the content they publish on the Site and the consequences resulting therefrom. Consequently, Members undertake not to transmit content on the Site which constitutes a violation of the legislative and regulatory provisions in force or the rights of third parties, in particular intellectual property rights.

Members are solely responsible for the consequences resulting from the publication of prohibited content and the Company declines all liability in this regard.

8.5 Project Leaders are entirely responsible for ensuring that the presentation of their projects on the Site is sincere and does not mislead Investors and third parties.

Project Leaders recognize that providing inaccurate, false and misleading information may result in their liability.

8.6 Members and visitors to the Site are solely responsible for the consequences that may result from consulting the hypertext links appearing on the Site. The Company declines all liability in this regard.

8.7 The activity of the Site is that defined in article 2 hereof. Consequently, the Company does not carry out any other mission with Members, and in particular it does not give any advice relating to the projects to be financed or the tax consequences resulting for Investor Members or Project Leaders.

Members are solely responsible for informing themselves about the tax consequences that may result from the promise of investment that they have made or from which they have benefited.**

  1. Applicable law

These General Conditions of Use are governed by French law.

  1. Jurisdiction

Any dispute resulting from the interpretation, validity or execution of these General Conditions of Use falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Paris Commercial Court.

  1. Notifications and complaints

11.1 Notifications and complaints in relation to the execution of these General Conditions of Use and the use of the Site must be made in written form and transmitted to the Party concerned.

11.2 Notifications and complaints to the Company may be made by Members to the attention of Legal service, at the postal address: the company AKIUS, 360 Campagne Plan Lorgue 13100 Saint Marc Jaumegarde.

11.3 Notifications to Members may be made by the Company to the postal address or email address indicated by the Member concerned when registering on the Site.

11.4 All notifications and complaints to be made within the framework of these General Conditions of Use are considered to have been made:

  1. a) On the date appearing on the acknowledgment of receipt, if made by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
  2. b) On the date appearing on the message sent if they are made by electronic message, provided that the recipient has received it and has been able to read it.
  3. c) On the date appearing on the acknowledgment of receipt if they are made by fax, provided that the recipient has received the message and has been able to read it.
  4. d) On the date indicated by the recipient on the document given to him, if they are made by hand delivery.

11.5 Only complaints relating to the use of the Site will be taken into account.

‍11.6 Complaints procedure:

l - Send a complaint to AKIUS

Any Kornette user can submit a complaint to us by sending an email to support@kornette.com.

ll - Response times

AKIUS undertakes to send an acknowledgment of receipt regarding any request received to support@kornette.com within a maximum period of three (3) working days from receipt.‍ AKIUS undertakes to provide a solution to any request within a maximum period of fifteen (15) working days from receipt of the complaint.

  1. Legal Notice

12.1 Editor

The Site is published by the company AKIUS, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 138.38 euros, registered with the RCS of Aix-en-Provence under the unique identification number 884 160 458, whose head office is located 360 Campagne Plan Lorgue 13100 Saint Marc Jaumegarde. The publication director is Mr. JD ROMBI.

12.2 Accommodation

  • *The Site is hosted by the company OVH SAS is a subsidiary of the company OVH Groupe SA, a company registered with the RCS of Lille under number 537 407 926 located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.

Rights and duties of Members

The copyright on the contents published on this site belongs to their authors. Unless otherwise stated, any reproduction of content must comply with the conditions of the commons creative license.

No Commercial Use: You do not have the right to use this creation for commercial purposes.

No 2.0 FR modifications. Authorship: You must cite the name of the original author in the manner indicated by the author of the work or rights holder who grants you this permission (but not in a manner that would suggest that they are giving or endorsing you your use of the work).

No Modification: you do not have the right to modify, transform or adapt this creation. Members are responsible for the questions they formulate as well as the interpretation and use they make of the results. It is their responsibility to use it in accordance with the regulations in force and the recommendations of the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (Cnil) for personal data. In particular, they must know that the information must only be used for strictly professional purposes, that the capture of screens for reconstitution or enrichment of a nominative database is contrary to French law and therefore prohibited, as well as the 'use for commercial or advertising purposes.

12.3 Data protection

The rights of Members regarding data protection are defined in Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on data processing, files and freedoms. Visitors to this site can access public content without providing personal information. Only anonymous statistical information is collected about their visits. To publish content, Members must provide their email address as well as various personal information (last name, first name, postal code). This address is not made visible and is only used for the operation of the site. The first name, last name and email are the only information visible to members with access to the site. We remind Members that the content they make public must respect the protection of the personal data of third parties and that a declaration of their data made to the CNIL can be consulted under the registration numbers: - AKIUS, registration number in progress.

12.4 Right of access and rectification

In accordance with article 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you or likely to concern you. You can exercise this right by sending a written request to: AKIUS 360 Campagne Plan Lorgue 13100 Saint Marc Jaumegarde.

12.5 Links to other sites

The site may contain hypertext links to existing sites or sites managed by third parties. The site cannot exercise any permanent control over these sites, nor assume any responsibility for their conditions of access, their content, the advertising and services offered or the use that may be made of them.‍


1. Scope and Acceptance

1.1 Scope:

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale ("GTC") govern the contractual relationship between AKIUS SAS (KORNETTE) and any Project leader ("the Startup") participating in the Kornette Venture Hub program ("the Program").

1.2 Acceptance of the GTC:

Accessing and using Kornette’s mobile or web application constitutes full, unconditional acceptance of these GTC. Acceptance is deemed effective upon the first connection to the platform, validated by a click or any other electronic action indicating approval. The Startup also acknowledges and accepts the terms of the remuneration linked to fundraising activities without reservation.

1.3 Legal Framework:

These GTC are established in compliance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions, particularly those governing advisory services and remuneration related to fundraising. Any clause deemed non-compliant will be considered null without affecting the validity of the other provisions.

2. Program Services

The Kornette Venture Hub program offers the following services to participating Startups at no upfront cost:

  1. Access to Thematic Chats: Platforms for discussion with other startups from Kornette's international community, organized by topic.
  2. Expert Support: Guidance from industry experts integrated into thematic chats.
  3. Investor Introductions: Connections to Kornette's network of investors, subject to the achievement of predefined milestones.
  4. Online Events: Participation in webinars and masterclasses on essential startup topics.
  5. In-Person Events: Invitations to exclusive physical events for networking and learning.
  6. AI-Driven Pitch Deck Analysis: Personalized feedback through Kornette’s proprietary AI tool, DeckBot.
  7. Milestone Planning: A structured plan to achieve key objectives before the official pitch to investors.

3. Financial Terms

3.1 Fundraising Success Fee:

  • Kornette charges a success fee equivalent to 7% of the total amount raised through investors introduced via the Program.
  • This fee applies only to funds effectively received by the Startup.

3.2 Billing and Payment:

  • The success fee is invoiced upon successful completion of the fundraising and receipt of funds by the Startup.
  • Invoices issued by Kornette are payable within 30 days of their issuance.

3.3 Mandatory Disclosure:

The Startup agrees to disclose any funds raised as a result of introductions facilitated by Kornette. Failure to do so will result in financial penalties equivalent to 15% of the undisclosed amount.

3.4 Non-Circumvention Clause:

The Startup agrees not to bypass Kornette to establish direct relationships with investors introduced through the Program. Any breach will result in a flat indemnity of 25% of the funds raised.

4. Responsibilities of the Startup

To fully benefit from the Program, the Startup agrees to:

  • Actively participate in thematic chats, events, and milestone planning.
  • Provide accurate and complete information for DeckBot analysis and investor introductions.
  • Ensure transparency regarding all fundraising activities conducted through Kornette’s network.

5. Exclusions of Liability

5.1 No Guarantee of Results: Kornette does not guarantee the success of any fundraising or the conclusion of agreements with investors.

5.2 Conditional Services: Investor introductions are contingent upon achieving the predefined milestones and demonstrating readiness.

5.3 Limitation of Liability: Kornette shall not be held liable for indirect damages, business losses, or financial harm arising from participation in the Program.

6. Termination and Penalties

6.1 Termination: Kornette reserves the right to terminate a Startup's participation in the Program in the event of a breach of these GTC or actions damaging Kornette's reputation or interests.

6.2 Penalties: Any significant breach by the Startup may result in financial penalties, suspension, or permanent exclusion from the Program.

7. Intellectual Property

All tools, content, and technologies used within the Program, including DeckBot, remain the exclusive property of Kornette. Reproduction, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

8.1 Governing Law: These GTC are governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction].

8.2 Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from these GTC will first be resolved through amicable negotiation. Failing resolution, disputes will be submitted to the competent courts of Aix-en-Provence - France.

9. Acceptance and Modifications of the GTC

9.1 Explicit Acceptance: By logging into Kornette’s platform for the first time, the Startup acknowledges and agrees to these GTC in their entirety.

9.2 GTC Modifications: Kornette reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time. The revised terms will automatically apply to new participants upon publication.


In order to improve your experience and provide our Services to you, we use monitoring and tracking technologies (such as cookies, beacons, pixels, tags and scripts).

Accept all

Refuse all

In order to provide information and transparency, AKIUS has defined the present policy to allow you to learn more about cookies and Web Storage used.

What are cookies, beacons, pixels, tags and scripts?


A cookie is a tiny data file that resides on your computer that allows us to recognize you as a user when you return to the App using the same computer and web browser. Like the registration information you provide during account registration, cookie and log file data is used to customize your experience on the App. One type of cookie, known as a “persistent” cookie, is set once you have logged in to your account. The next time you visit the App, the persistent cookie will allow us to recognize you as an existing user so you will not need to login before using the App. In order to access or change any of your private information, you must log in with your password even if your computer contains your persistent cookie. Additionally, if you log out of the App, you will need to re-enter your password the next time you visit in order to log in to your account. Another type of cookie, called a “session” cookie, is used to identify a particular visit to the App. Session cookies expire after a short time or when you close your web browser. You can choose to disable cookies on your browser or allow your browser to notify you when a cookie is being sent, however this may prevent you from utilizing certain features of the App and Services. Information on deleting or controlling cookies is also available at www.aboutcookie.org (note that this website is not provided by Akius, and we, therefore, cannot ensure its accuracy, completeness or availability).

Please note that deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our Services, or may otherwise adversely affect your user experience.

Clear Gifs

We and certain Third Party Services may employ a software technology called “clear gifs” (a.k.a. Web Beacons/Web Bugs), which enables them and us to improve our Services by measuring their effectiveness and performance. Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, however are not stored on your device, but instead embedded within our Services.


We and certain Third Party Services may also employ certain tracking technologies known as “HTML5”, mainly for advertising purposes. Various browsers may offer their own management tools for removing or blocking such technologies.

Behavioral Targeting/Re-Targeting

Certain Third Party Services and ad networks may display advertising on our App, or manage our advertising on other websites. Such parties may use certain tracking technologies to collect certain information about your activities on the Services and different third party Services to provide you with targeted advertising based on your interests and preferences. You may opt-out of receiving targeted ads from certain advertisers and ad networks by clicking here (or if you are located in the European Union click here (provided by YourChoicesOnline.eu). Please note this does not opt you out of receiving all advertising and that your opt-out will only be in relation to the specific advertising. You will continue to receive advertising for which you have not opted out.

You can configure your settings and choose how you want your personal data to be used according to the purposes below. Please remember to save any changes at the end of this page.


These cookies are strictly necessary to enable the site’s basic functionalities to run, such as securing the connection or memorising the progress of a process.

Cookie name


Storage time

Plugin WordPress

Saves cookie preferences

12 months

You can delete them using your browser settings. This could, however, degrade your user experience.

Performance cookies—————————————————————————

These cookies collect anonymous information about the pages accessed.

Cookies’ name :

Host / Storage time / Description_ga / akius.com

365 days / Analytics_gat / akius.com

10 minutes / Analytics_gid / akius.com

1 day / Analytics / Functionality Cookies

These cookies remember the choices you make to enhance your experience.

Cookie name / Host / Storage time / Description


In order to improve your experience and provide our Services to you, we use monitoring and tracking technologies (such as cookies, beacons, pixels, tags and scripts).

What are cookies, beacons, pixels, tags and scripts?

In order to provide information and transparency, AKIUS has defined the present policy to allow you to learn more about cookies and Web Storage used.

What are cookies, beacons, pixels, tags and scripts?


A cookie is a tiny data file that resides on your computer that allows us to recognize you as a user when you return to the App using the same computer and web browser. Like the registration information you provide during account registration, cookie and log file data is used to customize your experience on the App. One type of cookie, known as a “persistent” cookie, is set once you have logged in to your account. The next time you visit the App, the persistent cookie will allow us to recognize you as an existing user so you will not need to login before using the App. In order to access or change any of your private information, you must log in with your password even if your computer contains your persistent cookie. Additionally, if you log out of the App, you will need to re-enter your password the next time you visit in order to log in to your account. Another type of cookie, called a “session” cookie, is used to identify a particular visit to the App. Session cookies expire after a short time or when you close your web browser. You can choose to disable cookies on your browser or allow your browser to notify you when a cookie is being sent, however this may prevent you from utilizing certain features of the App and Services. Information on deleting or controlling cookies is also available at www.aboutcookie.org (note that this website is not provided by Akius, and we, therefore, cannot ensure its accuracy, completeness or availability).

Please note that deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our Services, or may otherwise adversely affect your user experience.

Clear Gifs

We and certain Third Party Services may employ a software technology called “clear gifs” (a.k.a. Web Beacons/Web Bugs), which enables them and us to improve our Services by measuring their effectiveness and performance. Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, however are not stored on your device, but instead embedded within our Services.


We and certain Third Party Services may also employ certain tracking technologies known as “HTML5”, mainly for advertising purposes. Various browsers may offer their own management tools for removing or blocking such technologies.

Behavioral Targeting/Re-Targeting

Certain Third Party Services and ad networks may display advertising on our App, or manage our advertising on other websites. Such parties may use certain tracking technologies to collect certain information about your activities on the Services and different third party Services to provide you with targeted advertising based on your interests and preferences. You may opt-out of receiving targeted ads from certain advertisers and ad networks by clicking here (or if you are located in the European Union click here (provided by YourChoicesOnline.eu). Please note this does not opt you out of receiving all advertising and that your opt-out will only be in relation to the specific advertising. You will continue to receive advertising for which you have not opted out.

You can configure your settings and choose how you want your personal data to be used according to the purposes below. Please remember to save any changes at the end of this page.


These cookies are strictly necessary to enable the site’s basic functionalities to run, such as securing the connection or memorising the progress of a process.

Cookie name


Storage time

Plugin WordPress

Saves cookie preferences

12 months

You can delete them using your browser settings. This could, however, degrade your user experience.

Performance cookies—————————————————————————

These cookies collect anonymous information about the pages accessed.

Cookie name


Storage time




365 jours




10 minutes




1 jour


Functionality Cookies

These cookies remember the choices you make to enhance your experience.

Cookie name


Storage time


Advertising Trackers ———————————————————————-

These cookies collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising relevant to you and your interests.

Cookie name


Storage time




20 jours

before visiting this website.



7625 jours

not use the website and on any tising that the user should consult before visiting this website.

Save my settings


> Delete my Account

> Do not sell my personal informations

> Download my data Customer service

> Others

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